I’m Kwintijn Schuurman

What I do
As a domain manager (lead, coordinator, whatever title you may use) for the UX/UI domain at XPAR Vision I'm working on making our products perfect for our users. My team and I perform user research, brainstorming sessions and the entire development process for our newest UI applications.

Why I do it
My main drive is improving whatever I'm working on, to make it easier to use, more friendly, more entertaining, more optimized or in one word: BETTER.

How I do it
This can't be done from a desk with a piece of paper, photoshop and some basic HTML skills. You need to use your users to improve your product, and to make it meet their expectations. That's where I come in! Want to know more? Give me a call (+31 (0)6 485 370 00), connect on LinkedIn or send me an e-mail (ux@Kwintijn.com)!

I'm Kwintijn Schuurman